Welcome from Fr Paul Lockett – Parish Priest
Thank you for taking time and interest in our Web Site. I hope you will find all the information helpful and stimulating.
All Saints Parish church is an architectural Jewel Box for those who are enthusiasts for High Victoriana!
The church was built for Catholic Style liturgy, and we do our utmost to maintain that tradition; having said that, however, I like to think our worship here is formal enough to be properly dignified, whilst being informal enough to be “User” friendly. Whatever your tradition or taste, you can be assured of a warm welcome at any of our services.
North Street is not on the usual “Tourist track” but any effort to find it is certainly rewarding; to make one’s way from the Railway Station, via “Dana” Bridge, past the Prison and along Severn Street and Benyon Street, gives a good idea of Victorian Shrewsbury, during the building of the Railways and Canals.
Sadly we are not in a position to keep the church unlocked, but a telephone call to any of the contact numbers in advance of your visit would make sure the doors were open.
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals are important parts of the ministry of priests, This priest is no exception, and is always available to help with these or any other Pastoral issues, so don’t hesitate to make contact if I can be of any help.
With all good Wishes
Paul Lockett S.S.C